A Few Jokes For 9th of March 2020.

1. What’s the best thing about Switzerland?

I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

2. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?

He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

3. Why do we tell actors to “break a leg?”

Because every play has a cast.

4. Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar.

“Get out of here!” shouts the bartender. “We don’t serve your type.”

5. Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road.

I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?”

6. Once my dog ate all the Scrabble tiles.

For days he kept leaving little messages around the house.

7. Knock! Knock!

Who’s there?

Control Freak.


OK, now you say, “Control Freak who?”

8. Hear about the new restaurant called Karma?

There’s no menu: You get what you deserve.

9. A woman in labor suddenly shouted, “Shouldn’t! Wouldn’t! Couldn’t! Didn’t! Can’t!”

“Don’t worry,” said the doc. “Those are just contractions.”

10. I invented a new word!


Happy Tuesday.

No swimming


I ate your homework amd no one will believe you.


who dug up the garden


replaced cat litter with pop rocks


I told him to get his butt off the sofa.


Come and get me. I dare ya.


what did my human do to desertve me?


Work from home ... no one will interrupt you.


This car is not amused.


just bought a slow cooker ..


In case of fire use stairs.


Fat Loss Guide

Cheers For Thursday.

speed bumps ahead


python programming


food pyramid


wet floor?


in case of fire


in case of fire


he sees you when you're sleeping


walking my fish


drunk tooth fairy


the correct use of spoilers


hoarding - level 1000


parking ticket gamble


snow fail


party hard?


fully equipped car


that one bolt


My Funnel Empire

Monday Funnies.

I’m sorry that it’s been a while since I last posted, I’ve been a bit preoccupied elsewhere. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the following funny pics.



what's wrong with my brain


fan contest


best comeback


life is like a game of chess


TV teenagers played by people in their thirties


when you need to clean but have no motivation


giraffes & unicorns


photogenic baby sloth


monkey might be drunk




please don't feed them sugar


My Funnel EmpireMy Funnel Empire