Happy Monday.

never give redbull to a woodpecker


funny lion


funny cats




restraining order just expired


buy me a dog


new element discovered


gunshot horn

Cheers For Saturday.

photos taken a second before disaster


13 cats who think they’re way more important than work


little girl owns congressman


10 memes


moral dilemma


mr bean inserted into famous paintings

Monday Funnies.

some people are just born fabulous*

sign fails*

electric fence fail*

toilet paper prank*


Dad jokes… dad jokes*

More Dad jokes…

more dad jokes*

grumpy cat favorite street sign*

don't pee on the electric fence*

when you see a security camera*

i said be quiet*

they suspect nothing, mere cat*

DIY Smart Saw, DIY Magic Machine

Happy Wednesday.

care instructions*

i'm a cheetah*

selfie to get pic of hottie*

cat barbie*

big bang theory, soft kitty*

Animals With Unique Markings:

animals with unique markings*

how I feel next to my friends*

morning people*

trail mix*

can't decide what to wear*

furniture & wood craft plans
Furniture & Wood Craft Plans.