Cheers For Thursday.

grumpy cat's new doormat


diet day 1


fluffy wolf


went to get my ball from under the bed ...


bad spelling


sorry for being late


saw a guy at Starbucks


gym update; I'm not there.


giddy up
“giddy up? – I don’t speak that language”


this one is MINE


level of sarcasm


remember when people had diaries...


single socks


ganglamb style


empty your mind

Happy Saturday.

no we in


 like to do for fun*

bad hunter


chickens cross the road


identify the husband


spirit animal


play with puppy more


never make the same mistake twice


 explain this to you


scared to ask her


returning to work after a long weekend


catwoman costume

Happy Monday.

chocolate is salad


good and obedient wives


mentally hilarious


t-rex is finally happyT-Rex is finally happy.


selective participation


how to spell Wednesday


housekeeping tip


I'll laugh at you


drunk octopus wants to fight you


ultimate chick flick


manage my anger


close your eyes for 5 minutes*

no longer saying shut up

Cheers For Saturday.

whem I'm sad I just sing


God grant me...


I hid the body ... now what?


finish a sentence


put kitty back


I don't trip.


Pilates of the Caribbean

What a difference a consonant can make.




Meanwhile in Scotland
Scottish dilemmas.


this line lies


check engine


drive up ATM


this is why emergency rooms exist


have kids they said...


have a baby they said ...


rock paper scissors


crazy aunt


something is probably chasing me


put on a birthday hat


math word problems


robbed at  gas station


furniture & wood craft plans
Furniture & Wood Craft Plans.