Cheers For Thursday.

speed bumps ahead


python programming


food pyramid


wet floor?


in case of fire


in case of fire


he sees you when you're sleeping


walking my fish


drunk tooth fairy


the correct use of spoilers


hoarding - level 1000


parking ticket gamble


snow fail


party hard?


fully equipped car


that one bolt


My Funnel Empire

Monday Funnies.

I’m sorry that it’s been a while since I last posted, I’ve been a bit preoccupied elsewhere. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the following funny pics.



what's wrong with my brain


fan contest


best comeback


life is like a game of chess


TV teenagers played by people in their thirties


when you need to clean but have no motivation


giraffes & unicorns


photogenic baby sloth


monkey might be drunk




please don't feed them sugar


My Funnel EmpireMy Funnel Empire

Cheers For Sunday.

Don't be ashamed of who you are. That's your parents' job.


People posing with statues:

Railway workers

Ronald McDonald

stealing suitcase

thinker stinker


batter up

helping hand

dancing queen

covert bribe

naughty girl


Ronald McDonald slapping

pick your own nose


no help

knuckle sandwich

defending her honour


when the weather is really hot


clever car parking


media be like ...


Nooo! It's my kitty!

Happy Tuesday.

When the first time does not teach.


I thought crocodiles were swimming.


Chinese words for animals, translated into English …

Bag mouse

Ocean elephant

Cat head eagle

Standing goose

Eyeglasses snake

Ocean piglet

Wall tiger

long neck deer

dragon shrimp

bear cat

duck mouth beast

ocean panther


When I'm bored late at night ...


Have you ever been this tired?

Have you ever been this tired?


This fish looks too stupid ...


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Happy Saturday.

I found him this way...


chainsaw safety


banana costume to visit the monkeys


you touched it last


nice road it'd be a shame


swhy you don't mess with beanbags


time for phase two


when the dog finds you sleeping in his favourite water bowl


now we're going to test your reflexes


ran to use the bathroom and nearly had a heart attack


Butter is food lotion.

Sunday Funnies.

your daddy is calling from work with a question about his computer


all the other reindeer used to call him names


I'm through begging


you like your gift?


you wanna have some fun?


Awesome helmet.


just see what happens


mom is going to be so happy...


ridiculously dumb people


run some tests to see how your insurance reacts*

doctor was a quack*

funny toilet lid sticker


furniture & wood craft plans


Wednesday Funnies.

cops hide behind this sign


4 levels of crazy


horse in a suit


there's a kitty in the tub


Meanwhile in Canada


Mr Bean


biggest punishment in history of humanity


if either wakes up there will be yelling


expert mode toilet seat


Surprise in the toilet


something you're really proud of


snake gonna make some hot pocketsssss



Cheers For Sunday.

When you start watching YouTube tutorials.


little people*

Crocodile Tour Guide. *

Same situation, different caption:

when the Uber driver is sketchy *

Koala escapes at zoo ...


Mom gets you a flannel


Do you ever look at stuff and wonder how it got there?


faces like yours belong in the zoo


you look like Shrek


employees must wash hands


One job to do. Fail!One job to do. Fail!


mobile speedbumps?


I need glasses


Tried to take a picture ...


my name is stopthat


cool cookie cutterGraffiti out of control.

Sunday Funnies.

promising entrepreneur


Dad, you're adopted


Beware of the Log


do what you want ... not


5 minutes before dentist appointment


you're home early


cotton chicken candy nuggets


everyone is so pretty today


finding Nemo


How clowns make me feel.
How clowns make me feel.


I knew it

