Cheers For Thursday.

speed bumps ahead


python programming


food pyramid


wet floor?


in case of fire


in case of fire


he sees you when you're sleeping


walking my fish


drunk tooth fairy


the correct use of spoilers


hoarding - level 1000


parking ticket gamble


snow fail


party hard?


fully equipped car


that one bolt


My Funnel Empire

Happy Tuesday.

When the first time does not teach.


I thought crocodiles were swimming.


Chinese words for animals, translated into English …

Bag mouse

Ocean elephant

Cat head eagle

Standing goose

Eyeglasses snake

Ocean piglet

Wall tiger

long neck deer

dragon shrimp

bear cat

duck mouth beast

ocean panther


When I'm bored late at night ...


Have you ever been this tired?

Have you ever been this tired?


This fish looks too stupid ...


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Happy Saturday.

I found him this way...


chainsaw safety


banana costume to visit the monkeys


you touched it last


nice road it'd be a shame


swhy you don't mess with beanbags


time for phase two


when the dog finds you sleeping in his favourite water bowl


now we're going to test your reflexes


ran to use the bathroom and nearly had a heart attack


Butter is food lotion.

Sunday Funnies.

your daddy is calling from work with a question about his computer


all the other reindeer used to call him names


I'm through begging


you like your gift?


you wanna have some fun?


Awesome helmet.


just see what happens


mom is going to be so happy...


ridiculously dumb people


run some tests to see how your insurance reacts*

doctor was a quack*

funny toilet lid sticker


furniture & wood craft plans


Cheers For Wednesday.

wearing mascara


ruined your tan with crocs


scary bunny


don't thow out doll heads


normal things you see in Wal-Mart


pilllow exploded


last thing the dog remembered


what you told your spouse you paid


family tree


 read out loud


a whoopee cushion filled with gravy


husband design kitchen



Cheers For Thursday.

grumpy cat's new doormat


diet day 1


fluffy wolf


went to get my ball from under the bed ...


bad spelling


sorry for being late


saw a guy at Starbucks


gym update; I'm not there.


giddy up
“giddy up? – I don’t speak that language”


this one is MINE


level of sarcasm


remember when people had diaries...


single socks


ganglamb style


empty your mind

Cheers For Saturday.

you know you're getting old ...


a group of kids is called a migraine


when you lick the outllet


pet bed


Cockatoo Loves Elvis Song(To watch the video, right click here and select “Open in new tab” or “Open in new window”.)


 finding a toilet feels better than love


when one door closes ...


you can see me?




not one to brag ...


math problem


permanently exhausted pigeon

traffic is ridiculous this morning


pet grooming


silent horrified anticipation

Happy Saturday.

no we in


 like to do for fun*

bad hunter


chickens cross the road


identify the husband


spirit animal


play with puppy more


never make the same mistake twice


 explain this to you


scared to ask her


returning to work after a long weekend


catwoman costume