Cheers For Wednesday.



wrong subway


target battle zone


no warning about leopards


photographer perfectly places iphone photos




blow u kisses


Gotta love happy dogs:

gotta love happy dogs


cat's eyes


animals laughing


furniture & wood craft plans
Furniture & Wood Craft Plans.

Some Jokes For Monday.

Life With A Blonde Teenager…

SCENE: My teenage daughter and me in the car.

Lauren: Dad, do you know what the most commonly used letter in a girl’s name is?

Me: Hmm, is it a consonant or a vowel? (Silence.) Please tell me you know what consonants and vowels are.

Lauren: You’re no fun, Dad. Forget it.

Me: What is a vowel?

Lauren: OK, OK. A vowel is … ahh … eh … well, oh … uh …

Me: Close enough.

—by Robert Alvarez, author of Blonde Moments: Life with a Blonde Teenage Daughter


Steve Martin on Success

Some people just have a way with words, and other people … oh … not have way.

Steve Martin


Q: What do you call a polar bear in the jungle?
A: Lost.


Computers are like air conditioners. They  work fine until you start opening windows.


Q: Where do sharks go on their holidays?
A: Finland.


What does a pepper do when it’s angry?
It gets jalapeño face!


Bonnie McFarlane on The Toughest Language…

I don’t want to brag, but I do speak pig Latin; I mean, I’m not fluent, but I’m sure if I ever went there, I could get by.

Bonnie McFarlane

Diabetes Breakthrough

Monday Smile Makers.

woman oven fail


it was so cold, even our ghost froze


what's on the blackboard


(Yes I know it’s “refrigerators”.)

people are like refrigerators


quotes on the internet, Abraham Lincoln


I dream of a better world


math problem & cantaloupes


delete cookies


note to self


commas, use them


it's an apostrophe


DIY Smart Saw, DIY Magic Machine

Happy Tuesday.

I found the ball




what type of computer sings? a dell


I told a chemistry joke - there was no reaction


guest speaker & friend mike


the night I lost control


eldredge tie knot


chill in the sink


that moment when you realise it spells horse


fake cuddle


go get mom


life questions


perfectly timed cats


magic submitter

Monday Smile Makers.

trapped inside your phone

mom calls you by your full name

at a certain age you just don't care what people think any more

planning this since the day you told him you were pregnant

police stories

how to wash a cat

I immediately regret this decision

meanwhile at wal-mart

For Minion loversfor minion lovers

Trust me, I’m an Engineer

trust me, I'm an engineer

why women live longer than men

Saturday Smile Makers.

bad eyes

drawbridge - you can make it

batcave sign - fire alfred

saw batman = good day

found a dead squirrel or something

new parent idea

Missing Cat:missing missy

Unfortunate Newspaper Articles:

unfortunate newspaper articles

koalas are much cuter when dry

24 dogs that cannot even handle it right now