Happy Monday.

Hi, again it’s been over a week since I last posted here. I’m very sorry. I hope you enjoy these funny pics. Cheers, Michael.

This is an intervention Susan.


sherdoesn't know where she wants to eat*

Good luck Mr Policeman.*

I'm with stupid.*

oi ugly*

new valet may be a little OCD.*

Reasonzs why she night be upset ... Chapter One*

Young Police Car*

Bad parking problem ... solved.*

What happens when you fart in a smart car.*

I'm coming for you.*

car gift*

Working on cars teacxhes yoju patience ... and every curse word imaginable.*

Wrap around car phone?
Wrap around car phone?


The other green.*

never give my GTR to my wife*

buying a smart car seems like a good idea ...*

beef jerky*

riding lawn mower*

My grandfather was a knight ... Sir Loin.*

when you're sleeping on the couch ....*

Sponsor Ad:

Check out the Red Tea Detox.The Red Tea Detox

Sunday Funnies.


Mess with the Gecko you get a pecko.


Don't lose your pen.

Cashier laughs


iPaid & iPeed


teacher left the room during a test


Welcome to our ool




not a squirrel


dropbox is broken


fat guy barbecuing parkung spot


fastest way to mess up someone's knock knock jokde


trouble staying between the lines


carpark sign


I'm outstanding


pet friendly except for bears


best rug ever


little boy next door


local weatherman


alien abduction?




Legos that look like wood ... pure evil


stepping on legos*

the revolution has begun


labradors turn into dachshunds

Sunday Funnies.


I don't think she realizes she's not human.


I'll call for help


When wi-fi is down*



Millions of years old and they look as if they were laid yesterdday.*

Internet Dating.


I don't think he understands the gravity of his situation.


It's a bad day when dinner eats yoiur lunch.


When Hell freezes over.


He sits on the other dogs he likes.


My mom says I'm special.


so I became a panda


Sponsor Ad:

Free Survival Blanket.

Free Survival Blanket

Tuesday Funnies.


Funny signs from around the world.*



Intelligence test


Are you tired? No I'm exhausted.


Meanwhile in Walmart.




Valet parking attendant has bigger plans:

Valet parking attendant has bigger plans.


Cooking no-no.


New hobby.


Weight Loss Diet Plans

(For more info, click on the image below.)

Weight Loss Diet Plans.
Weight Loss Diet Plans.

Cheers For Sunday.

Don't be ashamed of who you are. That's your parents' job.


People posing with statues:

Railway workers

Ronald McDonald

stealing suitcase

thinker stinker


batter up

helping hand

dancing queen

covert bribe

naughty girl


Ronald McDonald slapping

pick your own nose


no help

knuckle sandwich

defending her honour


when the weather is really hot


clever car parking


media be like ...


Nooo! It's my kitty!

Happy Sunday.

Loading ... 70% complete


hi welcome to Mythbusters.




your boyfriend is probably not born yet


Read the sign ... it's there for a reason


Batman breath test


no accountant needed


when you see it


carving watermelon


Trolling Raptors


deer in the shop


no I haven't seen the cat


one step too far


invasion of privacy

Wednesday Funnies.

cops hide behind this sign


4 levels of crazy


horse in a suit


there's a kitty in the tub


Meanwhile in Canada


Mr Bean


biggest punishment in history of humanity


if either wakes up there will be yelling


expert mode toilet seat


Surprise in the toilet


something you're really proud of


snake gonna make some hot pocketsssss



Sunday Funnies.

promising entrepreneur


Dad, you're adopted


Beware of the Log


do what you want ... not


5 minutes before dentist appointment


you're home early


cotton chicken candy nuggets


everyone is so pretty today


finding Nemo


How clowns make me feel.
How clowns make me feel.


I knew it



Cheers For Wednesday.

wearing mascara


ruined your tan with crocs


scary bunny


don't thow out doll heads


normal things you see in Wal-Mart


pilllow exploded


last thing the dog remembered


what you told your spouse you paid


family tree


 read out loud


a whoopee cushion filled with gravy


husband design kitchen

