Happy Friday.

only send one to college


cows don't die when you milk them


when you hit the stage in 10 minutes




worked the previous night


leaving the parking garage after work




 Florist Friars


someone taking way too long to take a picture


every sound is a bear


the cats are in charge


calm down man


shampoo turned dog pink


whatever life throws at me


No suspenders? No problem


 I got two hands and three foods!

Cheers For Saturday.

whem I'm sad I just sing


God grant me...


I hid the body ... now what?


finish a sentence


put kitty back


I don't trip.


Pilates of the Caribbean

What a difference a consonant can make.




Meanwhile in Scotland
Scottish dilemmas.


this line lies


check engine


drive up ATM


this is why emergency rooms exist


have kids they said...


have a baby they said ...


rock paper scissors


crazy aunt


something is probably chasing me


put on a birthday hat


math word problems


robbed at  gas station


furniture & wood craft plans
Furniture & Wood Craft Plans.

Monday Funnies.

some people are just born fabulous*

sign fails*

electric fence fail*

toilet paper prank*


Dad jokes… dad jokes*

More Dad jokes…

more dad jokes*

grumpy cat favorite street sign*

don't pee on the electric fence*

when you see a security camera*

i said be quiet*

they suspect nothing, mere cat*

DIY Smart Saw, DIY Magic Machine