Happy Friday.


How to perform the act of banishing.


Lying about my age ....


Optical illusion.


When you've had a rough day...


bad hair day


other couples ...


Are you sure the spider is gone?


my friends


Do not park here


keep calm and carry on


Ghost caught on tape.


private privvy?


ghost therapy


Frankenstein and Frankenstein's monster.


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Alternative Energy Tips And Guides

Cheers For Saturday.

you know you're getting old ...


a group of kids is called a migraine


when you lick the outllet


pet bed


Cockatoo Loves Elvis Song(To watch the video, right click here and select “Open in new tab” or “Open in new window”.)


 finding a toilet feels better than love


when one door closes ...


you can see me?




not one to brag ...


math problem


permanently exhausted pigeon

traffic is ridiculous this morning


pet grooming


silent horrified anticipation

Cheers For Your Wednesday.

what happens when men lack supervision


Fixed it, OCD style.

Fixed it, OCD style.


photoshopped animals


All of These People Are Having a Much Worse Day Than You Are:

All of These People Are Having a Much Worse Day Than You Are


furniture & wood craft plans


she was waiting in line for 5 minutes


should I run for it


look it's a nope coaster


there was no worm


Cow photo bomb:

cow photo bomb

Monday Smile Makers.

trapped inside your phone

mom calls you by your full name

at a certain age you just don't care what people think any more

planning this since the day you told him you were pregnant

police stories

how to wash a cat

I immediately regret this decision

meanwhile at wal-mart

For Minion loversfor minion lovers

Trust me, I’m an Engineer

trust me, I'm an engineer

why women live longer than men

Saturday Smile Makers.

bad eyes

drawbridge - you can make it

batcave sign - fire alfred

saw batman = good day

found a dead squirrel or something

new parent idea

Missing Cat:missing missy

Unfortunate Newspaper Articles:

unfortunate newspaper articles

koalas are much cuter when dry

24 dogs that cannot even handle it right now