Monday Funnies.

I’m sorry that it’s been a while since I last posted, I’ve been a bit preoccupied elsewhere. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the following funny pics.



what's wrong with my brain


fan contest


best comeback


life is like a game of chess


TV teenagers played by people in their thirties


when you need to clean but have no motivation


giraffes & unicorns


photogenic baby sloth


monkey might be drunk




please don't feed them sugar


My Funnel EmpireMy Funnel Empire

Happy Monday.

Hi, again it’s been over a week since I last posted here. I’m very sorry. I hope you enjoy these funny pics. Cheers, Michael.

This is an intervention Susan.


sherdoesn't know where she wants to eat*

Good luck Mr Policeman.*

I'm with stupid.*

oi ugly*

new valet may be a little OCD.*

Reasonzs why she night be upset ... Chapter One*

Young Police Car*

Bad parking problem ... solved.*

What happens when you fart in a smart car.*

I'm coming for you.*

car gift*

Working on cars teacxhes yoju patience ... and every curse word imaginable.*

Wrap around car phone?
Wrap around car phone?


The other green.*

never give my GTR to my wife*

buying a smart car seems like a good idea ...*

beef jerky*

riding lawn mower*

My grandfather was a knight ... Sir Loin.*

when you're sleeping on the couch ....*

Sponsor Ad:

Check out the Red Tea Detox.The Red Tea Detox

Wednesday Funnies.

cops hide behind this sign


4 levels of crazy


horse in a suit


there's a kitty in the tub


Meanwhile in Canada


Mr Bean


biggest punishment in history of humanity


if either wakes up there will be yelling


expert mode toilet seat


Surprise in the toilet


something you're really proud of


snake gonna make some hot pocketsssss



Happy Thursday.

blue hair & ice cream truck


taking off your face


apple watch with orange wristband


NOPE tattoo


India - it's going well


peace was never an option


me before I get ready in the morning


funny cars


 optimal use of motorcycles


how to scare your wife


please don't flush


Dunkin' Donuts


act natural


dog on a horse


limitations of my medication


thanks for the sign


 velociraptor free workplace


higher education


SureFireWealth – Join Free Member Level.

Cheers For Saturday.

whem I'm sad I just sing


God grant me...


I hid the body ... now what?


finish a sentence


put kitty back


I don't trip.


Pilates of the Caribbean

What a difference a consonant can make.




Meanwhile in Scotland
Scottish dilemmas.


this line lies


check engine


drive up ATM


this is why emergency rooms exist


have kids they said...


have a baby they said ...


rock paper scissors


crazy aunt


something is probably chasing me


put on a birthday hat


math word problems


robbed at  gas station


furniture & wood craft plans
Furniture & Wood Craft Plans.

Monday Smile Makers.

woman oven fail


it was so cold, even our ghost froze


what's on the blackboard


(Yes I know it’s “refrigerators”.)

people are like refrigerators


quotes on the internet, Abraham Lincoln


I dream of a better world


math problem & cantaloupes


delete cookies


note to self


commas, use them


it's an apostrophe


DIY Smart Saw, DIY Magic Machine

Cheers For Your Wednesday.

what happens when men lack supervision


Fixed it, OCD style.

Fixed it, OCD style.


photoshopped animals


All of These People Are Having a Much Worse Day Than You Are:

All of These People Are Having a Much Worse Day Than You Are


furniture & wood craft plans


she was waiting in line for 5 minutes


should I run for it


look it's a nope coaster


there was no worm


Cow photo bomb:

cow photo bomb

Monday Smile Makers.

trapped inside your phone

mom calls you by your full name

at a certain age you just don't care what people think any more

planning this since the day you told him you were pregnant

police stories

how to wash a cat

I immediately regret this decision

meanwhile at wal-mart

For Minion loversfor minion lovers

Trust me, I’m an Engineer

trust me, I'm an engineer

why women live longer than men