Cheers For Friday.

When someone asks me to hold their baby.*

I'll have to call you back. A tiger just jumped through the window.*

When you wake up from a 15 min nap ...*

Look what happened*

ugly sweater competition*

Wait for it*

awake and stupid*

Nurses Murphy's Law*

us cats won't tell the cops ...*

I caught a mouse*

Meanwhile in Kentucky*

Cat Norris*

ring made of dinosaur bone ...*

When your dinksaur park fails .. but you still have bills to pay!

Tuesday Funnies.

knock knock joke


x-ray prank


beep beep


Doctor's reaction


tricked new guy


parents be like ...


sorry Jesus


pet shaming


Pillow Pets


Grandma got bitten


cool Halloweem costume


I swear it will be funny


nightmare fuel
