Monday Funnies.

I’m sorry that it’s been a while since I last posted, I’ve been a bit preoccupied elsewhere. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the following funny pics.



what's wrong with my brain


fan contest


best comeback


life is like a game of chess


TV teenagers played by people in their thirties


when you need to clean but have no motivation


giraffes & unicorns


photogenic baby sloth


monkey might be drunk




please don't feed them sugar


My Funnel EmpireMy Funnel Empire

Happy Monday.

Hi, again it’s been over a week since I last posted here. I’m very sorry. I hope you enjoy these funny pics. Cheers, Michael.

This is an intervention Susan.


sherdoesn't know where she wants to eat*

Good luck Mr Policeman.*

I'm with stupid.*

oi ugly*

new valet may be a little OCD.*

Reasonzs why she night be upset ... Chapter One*

Young Police Car*

Bad parking problem ... solved.*

What happens when you fart in a smart car.*

I'm coming for you.*

car gift*

Working on cars teacxhes yoju patience ... and every curse word imaginable.*

Wrap around car phone?
Wrap around car phone?


The other green.*

never give my GTR to my wife*

buying a smart car seems like a good idea ...*

beef jerky*

riding lawn mower*

My grandfather was a knight ... Sir Loin.*

when you're sleeping on the couch ....*

Sponsor Ad:

Check out the Red Tea Detox.The Red Tea Detox

Cheers For Thursday.

Road trip pranks.

Prepare for Otter Annihilation!

tiny razor blades on their feet


might have adopted a polar bear and not a dog


this isn't Grandma's first ride on pub lic transportation


Safety first ... not.


teaching the dog tricks


my heart survived


took my coffee




surprised cat

Sunday Funnies.

your daddy is calling from work with a question about his computer


all the other reindeer used to call him names


I'm through begging


you like your gift?


you wanna have some fun?


Awesome helmet.


just see what happens


mom is going to be so happy...


ridiculously dumb people


run some tests to see how your insurance reacts*

doctor was a quack*

funny toilet lid sticker


furniture & wood craft plans


Sunday Funnies.

promising entrepreneur


Dad, you're adopted


Beware of the Log


do what you want ... not


5 minutes before dentist appointment


you're home early


cotton chicken candy nuggets


everyone is so pretty today


finding Nemo


How clowns make me feel.
How clowns make me feel.


I knew it



Cheers For Wednesday.

wearing mascara


ruined your tan with crocs


scary bunny


don't thow out doll heads


normal things you see in Wal-Mart


pilllow exploded


last thing the dog remembered


what you told your spouse you paid


family tree


 read out loud


a whoopee cushion filled with gravy


husband design kitchen



Sunday Funnies.

Arnold Schwarzenegger


dinosaur kissy kissy


“The Far Side” by Gary Larson


pie chart & bar graph


April Fool's Day & Chewbacca


fortune cookies


I'm not a puppy


you need a cheeseburger


Sherlock Holmes -


wet koala*

smart car


hit a deer


fart in a Smart Car


My boss is going to kill me

Happy Saturday.

no we in


 like to do for fun*

bad hunter


chickens cross the road


identify the husband


spirit animal


play with puppy more


never make the same mistake twice


 explain this to you


scared to ask her


returning to work after a long weekend


catwoman costume

Cheers For Tuesday.

but seriously...


grrr ... monday again


shades of grey


people who think they know everything...


chocolate understands


crunches to cupcakes


boredom before the internet?




secret 'stache'


funny cat


suffered from insanity