Cheers For Friday.

When someone asks me to hold their baby.*

I'll have to call you back. A tiger just jumped through the window.*

When you wake up from a 15 min nap ...*

Look what happened*

ugly sweater competition*

Wait for it*

awake and stupid*

Nurses Murphy's Law*

us cats won't tell the cops ...*

I caught a mouse*

Meanwhile in Kentucky*

Cat Norris*

ring made of dinosaur bone ...*

When your dinksaur park fails .. but you still have bills to pay!

Cheers For Tuesday.

shh! don't move


send help or waffles ... just send waffles



no wifi




made your life worth living


 when you've yelled at your kid ...


kids inside ... kids outside






pizza and TMNT


lucy philosophy


look in the mirror


canada day


question my sanity


I need a crown